Birthday Boy
The year is 1951, the place is Korea and there is a war going on. The hero of the story is Manuk. We first see him exploring the wreck of a downed plane looking for some 'useful' bits of metal. Manuk wanders around the town on his way home, playing perilously close to the railway - using the trains to flatten bits of metal which he uses to make small toys. There are some funny moments, he throws a stone during a game and it hits a cyclist. There is a poignant moment at the end when a parcel arrives. The audience is led to assume that his father has been killed in action and these are his possessions. Manuk does not realise.
Writing Outcomes
- Historical narrative
- Setting description
- Character description
- Inner monologues
- Flashbacks
- Newspaper reports
- Journalistic writing
- Scripts
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